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Enable Logistics

Administrators can set up the Event and Product objects so staff can use logistics in their planning. Administrators can also set up the org to use the Logistic object in conjunction with other objects to create a unique experience for their staff.

  1. Assign permission sets (external) to staff:

    Permission SetDescription

    Logistic Create & Modify All

    Create and Modify All permissions for the Nimble AMS Logistic object, including the tab, all record types, and all fields.

    Logistic View All

    View All permission for the Nimble AMS Logistic object, including the tab, all record types, and all fields.

    Room Create & Modify All

    Create and Modify All permissions for the Nimble AMS Room object, including the tab, all record types, and all fields.

    Room View All

    View All permission for the Nimble AMS Room object, including the tab, all record types, and all fields.

  2. If staff using the Logistic or room objects have profiles not included with Nimble AMS:
    1. From Setup, at the top of the page, select Profiles. Select the profile you want to modify.
    2. Click Object Settings.
    3. Click Logistic.
    4. Click Edit.
    5. In the Record Types and Page Layout Assignments section, for the Room record type:
      1. In Page Layout Assignment, select Room Logistic Layout.
      2. Select Default Record Type.
    6. Click Save.
  3. If you have created custom Event or Registration Product record pages:
    1. Add the Logistics related list to any custom Event record page(s):
      1. From Setup, at the top of the page, select Object Manager. Select Event.
      2. Click Lightning Record Pages.
      3. Click the record page you want to customize.
      4. Click Edit.
      5. Click the BUILD tab.
      6. Drag the Related List - Single component from the Components panel to the BUILD tab, so it is in alphabetical order among the other related lists.
      7. In the property editor, in Related List, select Logistics.
      8. Click Save.
      9. Repeat these steps for other custom Event record pages.
    2. Add the Logistics related list to any custom Registration Product record page(s):
      1. From Setup, at the top of the page, select Object Manager. Select Product.
      2. Click Lightning Record Pages.
      3. Click the record page you want to customize.
      4. Click Edit.
      5. Click the BUILD tab.
      6. Drag the Related List - Single component from the Components panel to the BUILD tab, so it is in alphabetical order among the other related lists.
      7. In the property editor, in Related List, select Logistics.
      8. Click Save.
      9. Repeat these steps for other custom Registration Product record pages.
  4. If Nimble AMS was installed in your org prior to the Summer '18 release:
    1. Add the Logistics related list to the Event page layout:
      1. From Setup, at the top of the page, select Object Manager. Select Event.
      2. Click Page Layouts.
      3. Click Event (NU) Layout.
      4. In the list of available items in the left pane of the palette, click Related Lists.
      5. Drag Logistics to the Related Lists section.
      6. Click Save.
      7. Repeat these steps for any custom Event page layouts.
    2. Add the Logistics related list to the Registration Product page layout:
      1. From Setup, at the top of the page, select Object Manager. Select Product.
      2. Click Page Layouts.
      3. Click Registration.
      4. In the list of available items in the left pane of the palette, click Related Lists.
      5. Drag Logistics to the Related Lists section.
      6. Click Save.
      7. Repeat these steps for any custom registration product page layouts.

You can use the Logistic object in conjunction with objects other than the Event  and Product objects. As an example, you could relate the Logistic object to the Committee object to track logistics specific to each committee. To do this, relate the Logistic object with another object, add custom fields, and create custom page layouts on the Logistic to create a unique experience for your staff.

Keep in mind that if you add new fields on the Logistic or room objects, you must grant access to those fields in the proper permissions sets. Learn more about each permission set. If you create a new page layout, you will also need to give profile access to the layout to those using the Logistic or room objects.

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