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Enable Profile Photo and Logo in Community Hub

Administrators can enable profile photo and logo so individuals can add and update their personal profile photo in Community Hub, and company managers can update their company's logo. Additionally, staff can view the images in Staff View.

This feature uses Custom Metadata types which must be enabled in your org before you can use it. Contact Nimble AMS Support to enable Custom Metadata Types in your org.

  1. Set the Image Rendition Service:
    1. From Setup, enter Installed Packages in the Quick Find box, then select Installed Packages.
    2. Click Configure next to Nimble AMS.
    3. Under General Settings, in View Image URL, enter:

    4. Click Save.

    The image rendition service is maintained by Salesforce. While Salesforce doesn’t have any immediate plans to change it, the image rendition service URL is subject to change without notice. If that occurs, View Image URL should be updated with the new image rendition service URL In the event that you are testing this process in Staging, you will also want to configure the Nimble AMS Installed Package View Image URL to include /CommunityHub or the current Community URL as needed.

  2. Add fields to Account Page Layouts:
    1. From Setup, click Customize | Accounts | Page Layouts.
    2. Click Edit next to Account Layout.
    3. Add a new section
      1. In Section Name, enter Company Logo.
      2. Deselect Edit Page.
      3. In Layout, select 1-Column.
      4. Click OK.
    4. In the Company Logo section, add Profile Photo.
    5. Click Save.
    6. Repeat these steps for any custom Account Page Layouts.
  3. Add fields to Person Account Page Layouts:

    These fields may already exist on the page layout with both the required and additional fields; if so, this step can be skipped.

    1. From Setup, click Customize | Accounts | Person Accounts | Page Layouts.
    2. Click Edit next to Person Account Layout.
    3. Add a new section
      1. In Section Name, enter Profile Photo.
      2. Deselect Edit Page.
      3. In Layout, select 1-Column.
      4. Click OK.
    4. In the Profile Photo section, add Profile Photo.
    5. Click Save.
    6. Repeat these steps for any custom Person Account Page Layouts.
  4. Enable cards in Community Hub:

    If this card is already enabled or in use; this step can be skipped.

    1. From Setup, enter Custom Metadata Types in the Quick Find box, then select Custom Metadata Types.
    2. Click Manage Records next to Tag for the Community Hub installed package.
    3. Click Edit next to ProfilePhotoAndLogoSUM17.
    4. Select Is Active.
    5. Click Save.
  5. Reorder the Cards on a Page to position the new Upload Individual Photo card where you want it on the Personal Snapshot page. We recommend you place the Upload Individual Photo card at the top of the page.

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