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Nimble AMS Lightning Page Components

Nimble AMS Lightning components are custom Lightning components included with Nimble AMS. These Lightning components are used only within Nimble AMS Lightning pages.


The  BusinessRuleSelectList  component displays a dropdown list containing all the business rules set up in the org. You can choose the business rule you want to work with. This component works in conjunction with the EvaluationList  component. BusinessRuleSelectList


The EditEvaluationModal component does not display at first, but waits until you click  New  or  Edit on the  EvaluationList  component.

When you click  New  on the  EvaluationList  component, the  EditEvaluationModal  component displays a dialog box with fields you can fill out to add an evaluation to the business rule selected on the BusinessRuleSelectList component.

When you click  Edit  on the  EvaluationList  component, the  EditEvaluationModal  component displays a dialog box with the fields of the evaluation so you can change how the evaluation is made.

If you edit an evaluation, be sure to also update the description to help others understand the new behavior.


The  EvaluationList  component does not display at first, but waits until you choose a business rule on the  BusinessRuleSelectList  component.

Once a business rule is chosen, the  EvaluationList  component displays the description of the business rule so you know what it is used for, as well as all the evaluations in the business rule. For each evaluation, you can view the name, description, API Class, whether it's active, and the order in which it will be evaluated.

You can also click New  to add an evaluation to the business rule or  Edit  to edit an evaluation, both of which trigger the  EditEvaluationModal component to display.


The  RemoteSiteSettingHelper  component displays a warning message when there is no remote site setting which provides access to the Metadata API. The message lets users know a Metadata API remote site is not currently configured, and that it is needed for the page to function. The message lets users know they should contact support for assistance. This is a useful component within apps where one or more components require access to the Metadata API.

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