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Snapshot Membership Card Type

The Snapshot Membership card type is used to display user's current membership status and information.

Individual Membership


If a user is not a member, the card displays, "you are not currently a member." If staff have created active membership options allowing individuals to join, the card shows a join now button. If a user has joined as a member in the past the card displays a field set as a collection of read-only fields including whether their membership is current, the type of membership, the join and end dates for the membership. If staff have not created membership options that allow individuals to join as members, no Join button is shown.


Once users have joined as members, they see their membership information.

If the feature is enabled, users see a button which takes them to renew their membership on the Join or Renew page at any time.

If users have a cash bill with a membership renewal, they see a button which takes them to the Join or Renew page to review the renewal and add it to their cart.

If users have an outstanding invoice with a membership renewal, they see a button which takes them to review the invoice on the Outstanding Invoice page.

Company Membership


If your organization flows down company membership benefits from the company to the affiliated individuals, when their company doesn't have a membership, the card indicates that the user is not a member and–if staff has created individual membership options that allow users to join as members–shows a button to take them to the join process. If staff have not created membership options that allow individuals to join as members, no Join button is shown.

If a user is a manager of a company that has never joined as a member, the card indicates that the user is not a member and–if staff has created active membership options that allow companies to join as members–shows a button to take them to the join process. If a user has joined as a member in the past the card displays a field set as a collection of read-only fields including whether their membership is current, the type of membership, and the join and end dates for the membership.


If your organization flows down company membership benefits from the company to the affiliated individuals, when their company has a membership, users, see the company membership information.

If the feature is enabled, users who are company managers see a button which takes them to renew their membership on the Join or Renew page.

If a user is a company manager and their company has a cash bill with a membership renewal, they see a button which takes them to the Join or Renew page to review the renewal and add it to their cart.

If a user is a company manager and their company has an outstanding invoice with a membership renewal, they see a button which takes them to review the invoice on the Outstanding Invoice page.

If users have a personal membership and are also the manager of a company that has a membership, the card shows information for users' personal membership and not company's membership. That said, if they have a cash bill or invoice with a personal membership renewal and their company also has a cash bill or invoice for a membership renewal, the button takes users to review and pay for their company's membership renewal, not their personal renewal.

Also, if your organization does not flow down company membership benefits from the company to the affiliated individuals, if users who don't have a personal membership and are a company manager, the card indicates that the user is not a member, but users can click to review and pay their company's membership renewal cash bill.

The Member field should not be removed from this field set.

Card Type Information

Snapshot Membership
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