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Terms and Conditions Card Type

The Terms and Conditions card type displays the description label in a text area field and a checkbox field labeled I Agree. When constituents select I Agree and submit the page, they are able to submit the page, if they do not agree to the terms, the page does not submit and a displays a message letting them know they must agree to the terms.

Constituents can scroll to review the listed, but are not required to do so in order to click to agree to them.

Also, since the listed terms are added to the card as a label, the text is limited to 1000 characters. If you want more complex authorization text, we recommend you add a Plain Text Card to the page, Add HTML to a Plain Text Card, and add a link in the label to another web page with your full terms. Learn more about authorization text.

Card Type Information

Display NameTerms and Conditions
Card Component ConstructorPlainTextTermsComponentConstructor
Controller NamePlainTextTermsComponentController
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