You can edit business rules to change the technical processes as per your requirement.
As an example, in Allow Point of Sale business rule a new evaluation can be added or an existing one can be modified such that, using the UserEvaluator, it checks if a checkbox on User object is selected.
To add a new Evaluation in order to edit a business rule according to your requirement, follow the below steps:
In the tab bar, click App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
Click Business Rules.
Select the business rule you want to customize from the dropdown.
To create a new Evaluation, follow the below steps:
Click New.
In Label, enter the label name for evaluation.
Enter the Evaluation Name.
In Description, enter the description of the evaluation.
In Apex Class drop down, select the Apex Class depending on the type of evaluation you are creating.
In Order, enter a number depending on which order you want the evaluator to be applied in.
Select the Active checkbox to activate the evaluation.
Click Save.
Expected Result
The Evaluation is now created and applied to the business rule, and business rule is successfully edited according to the requirement.
Disable Evaluations
To disable any of the evaluations from the business rule, simply deselect the Active checkbox for the same. This evaluation will then be ignored when checking the business rule.
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