Health Dashboard
Nimble AMS mirrors the ideal product upgrade model of Salesforce®. When Salesforce releases a new version to all customers, Nimble AMS does so as well. With three Nimble AMS releases every year, there is a lot of product innovation (and sometimes functionality alterations) to keep up with.
The Health Dashboard is a powerful tool to help maximize your success with Nimble AMS. Whether you’re looking for new ways to improve day-to-day workflows or your overall member value, this is a feature within Nimble AMS to help you achieve (and exceed) your strategic goals. With a quick glance, you can identify how much of Nimble AMS you are utilizing and what else you could be leveraging.
The Health Dashboard will provide you with:
- Feature List: The name of each feature within Nimble AMS
- Feature Summary: Overview of the feature and how it can help your organization save staff time and drive organizational growth
- Feature Status: Recap of Nimble AMS features that have been enabled and those that you have yet to take advantage of
- Getting Started Info: Links to more information about the feature and recommendation actions to enable the feature
Figure 1. Dashboard
Benefits of the Health Dashboard
- Quick glance: In a quick glance, you will know which features are enabled and which ones aren’t. You won’t need to go to each custom metadata tag individually for a status update.
- Easy link access: All the feature-related links are in one place for you. You no longer have to search the help site.
Recommendations: Each feature includes a recommendation for you to consider and guidance on next steps you can take to learn more.
- Maximize your usage of Nimble AMS: Your mission is our mission and that’s why it’s important that you get the most out of Nimble AMS. And, the health dashboard is here to help you do it.
How to access the Health Dashboard?
To access the Health Dashboard, administrators can simply go to the org and search for it in the App Launcher!