Layouts display records and their corresponding field values to staff. There are several types of layouts and they each display in different areas of Staff View. The types of layouts are compact layouts, list views, page layouts, and search layouts.
If you create or configure layouts, refer to Layout Design Guidelines for best practices.
Compact Layouts
Compact layouts display a record’s most important fields at a glance in Lightning Experience and in the Salesforce mobile app, at the top of the record page. While hovering on a record link in Lightning Experience, the compact layout also determines which fields about that record appear in the Expanded Lookup Card. Learn more (external).
List Views
List views display a subset of records with specific fields. When you select an object tab in the navigation bar, a list view of recently viewed records is displayed, and a dropdown menu is available to select other list views. Each list view displays records associated with that object. Learn more (external).
For example, you can click the Accounts tab and select a list view to view new individuals created within the last week. You can then select a different list view to view the new company accounts created in the last week. If there is no list view that meets your needs, you can create one. Learn more (external).
Page Layouts
Page layouts determine the layout and sequence of buttons, fields, s-controls, Visualforce, custom links, and related lists on object record pages. Learn more (external).
Search Layouts
Search layouts determine which fields display in search results, lookup dialogs, and default list views. They also determine which field filters are available in search results and lookup dialogs. Learn more (external).