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Nimble Intelligence

Move faster and make better decisions with Nimble Intelligence, an AI-powered analytics solution that enhances standard reporting capabilities and unlocks actionable insights. Nimble Intelligence offers data visualizations and predictions to drive greater member engagement, grow revenue, and advance your mission so you can take action now.

Anticipate staff and member needs with AI + BI at your fingertips with Nimble Intelligence.


Nimble Intelligence is an AI-powered analytics solution that enhances standard reporting capabilities and unlocks actionable insights to drive greater member engagement, grow revenue and advance your mission with data visualizations and predictions that you can take action on now. 


Nimble Intelligence offers access to a full Analytics Platform, with integrated AI-powered insights. You can explore millions of data combinations in minutes to get predictive and prescriptive insights. ​

​Prebuilt dashboards, powered by Salesforce CRM Analytics give you immediate insight into your association's data and let you track key metrics to make sure you’re on track.



Nimble Intelligence increases the power of your reports and dashboards by connecting more data points into a single view, utilizing both data in your org as well as data the lives in external systems.

Additionally, your data and analytics will come to life with dynamic and interactive components, including complex charts and graphics.



  • Faster Insights: 29% faster time to business insights 

  • Increased Productivity: 28% increase in productivity with a 26% decrease in time required to analyze data 

  • Immediate Access: Data Visualizations with Nimble AMS provided dashboards

  • Predictive Solutions: Access to Nimble Prediction solutions. (Note: these solutions require additional customization to adopt)

Included with Nimble Intelligence

  1. Salesforce CRM-Analytics licenses

  2. Nimble Intelligence Pre-built Dashboards

  3. Access to Nimble Predictions (Enabling the Nimble Prediction solutions requires a services engagement)

Want to learn more?

Reach out to your CSM rep to get started!

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