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Recipe for various GL systems or file formats

This page describes the recipe for configuring GL Exports feature, to export GL files in the file formats (.csv, .txt and .iif) supported by Nimble AMS.


  • Installed GL Export Package


To configure GL Exports feature, follow the steps/column applicable to the file format/GL system you are using, as given below:

GL Export File formats



.txt (Header.txt and



Example GL Systems using this format

  • Sage Intacct

  • Quick Books Online

  • Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains

  • Quick Books Desktop

Batch Export Configuration

  1. If it is not present already, create a Batch Export Configuration.

  2. In Export generator field, select NAMS.FieldSetBatchExporter.

  1. If it is not present already, create a Batch Export Configuration.

  2. In Export generator field, select NAMS.StandardGreatPlainsBatchExporter.

  1. If it is not present already, create a Batch Export Configuration.

  2. In Export Generator field, select NAMS.StandardQuickBooksBatchExporter.


On each entity, set the Batch Export Configuration record created above that will be used for the entity's export files to export the transactions of the particular entity. 

On each entity, set the Batch Export Configuration record created above that will be used for the entity's export files to export the transactions of the particular entity. 

On each entity, set the Batch Export Configuration record created above that will be used for the entity's export files to export the transactions of the particular entity. 

Deploy custom fields and field sets

For ease and quicker set up you can use the field sets created by us for the following GL systems:

  • Sage Intacct

  • QuickBooks Online

To deploy these pre-created fields & field sets on the Transaction object, follow the below steps:

  1. In the tab bar, click App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.

  2. Click GL Export Setup.

  3. Select the radio button against Sage Intacct or QuickBooks Online.

  4. Click Create.

Wait for the success message.

For ease and quicker set up you can use the field sets created by us for the following GL systems:

  • Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains

To deploy these pre-created fields & field sets on the Transaction & Batch object, follow the below steps:

  1. In the tab bar, click App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.

  2. Click GL Export Setup.

  3. Select the radio button against Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains.

  4. Click Create.

Wait for the success message.

Note: For Microsoft Dynamics GP, you will require two field sets:

  1. Batch object field set: Header GL file contains columns that correspond to this field set.

  2. Transaction object field set: Detail GL file contains columns that correspond to this field set.

For ease and quicker set up you can use the field sets created by us for the following GL systems:

  • QuickBooks Desktop

To deploy these pre-created fields & field sets on the Transaction object, follow the below steps:

  1. In the tab bar, click App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.

  2. Click GL Export Setup.

  3. Select the radio button against QuickBooks Desktop.

  4. Click Create.

Wait for the success message.

Batch Object - Header GL file Field Sets

Transaction Object - Detail GL file Field Sets

Where to find the deployed fields and field sets?

  • The pre-created custom fields and the custom field set can be found under the Transaction & Batch object.

    • For Sage Intacct: Field Set name deployed on the Transaction object: Sage Intacct GL Export

    • For QuickBooks Online: Field Set name deployed on the Transaction object: QuickBooks Online GL Export

    • For QuickBooks Desktop: Field Set name deployed on the Transaction object: QuickBooks Desktop GL Export

    • For Microsoft Dynamics GP: Field Set name deployed on the Batch object: Microsoft Dynamics GP Header GL Export

    • For Microsoft Dynamics GP: Field Set name deployed on the Transaction object: Microsoft Dynamics GP Detail GL Export

  • The pre-created custom fields are editable and the labels/formulas can be modified based on the your needs.

  • We can add or remove the fields from the pre-created field set based on the your needs.

From Setup, update/create the GL Export Setting Custom Metadata Type record.

Use the below values:


GL Export

GL Export

GL Export

GL Export Setting Name




Batch Field Set Name

Leave this as blank.

Enter the API name of the field set created on the Batch.

For Microsoft GP (recommended): MicrosoftDynamicsGPHeaderGLExport

Leave this as blank.

Fields to Group By

Enter the field API names as per your requirement.

For Sage Intacct (recommended): NU__Batch__r.Name, NU__GLAccount__c

For QuickBooks Online (recommended): You can leave it as blank or define as per your requirements.

Enter the field API names as per your requirement.

For Microsoft GP (recommended): TransactionDateGP__c, BatchNameGP__c, GLAccountGP__c, TitleGP__c

Enter the field API names as per your requirement.

For QuickBooks Desktop (recommended): DateQD__c, NU__Batch__r.Name, NU__GLAccount__r.Name, NU__Entity2__r.Name,TitleQD__c, DetailQD__c

Fields to Order By

Enter the field API names as per your requirement.

For Sage Intacct (recommended): NU__Batch__r.Name

For QuickBooks Online (recommended): You can leave it as blank or define as per your requirements.

Enter the field API names as per your requirement.

For Microsoft GP (recommended): TransactionDateGP__c, BatchNameGP__c

Enter the field API names as per your requirement.

For QuickBooks Desktop (recommended): DateQD__c, NU__Batch__r.Name, Name

Transaction Field Set Name

Enter the API name of the Transaction field set.

For Sage Intacct: SageIntacctGLExport

For QuickBooks Online: QuickBooksOnlineGLExport

Enter the API name of the Transaction field set.

For Microsoft GP (recommended): MicrosoftDynamicsGPDetailGLExport

Enter the API name of the Transaction field set.

For QuickBooks Desktop (recommended): QuickBooksDesktopGLExport

Use Header

Select this check box to display the header (column names or field labels) in the GL file.

Select this check box to display the header (column names or field labels) in the GL file.

Select this check box to display the header (column names or field labels) in the GL file.

Table 1: GL Export File formats

For .csv, optionally, update GL Export Custom Field Metadata Type(s)

If there is to be custom logic within the GL export, it can be included by configuring the GL Export Custom Field metadata type. Details on the fields within the GL Export Custom Field CMT are listed below. 




Meaningful name for this configuration record.

GL Export Custom Field Name

API name of this configuration record.

Class Name

The name of the class that will do the logic that populates this field.

See Class Names in Table 3.


Any additional data the custom field may need to do its job. Not required by every field.

Required for the following Class Names:

  1. TrailingEmptyCellCustomField

Field Name

The name of the field to wrap with the logic.

Contains the API name of the field to use to override the format of the GL Export. The overriding action will be based on the ClassName assigned to the CMT record.

This field is required for the following Class Names:


  1. With this class, the GL Export will be updated to insert Blank columns AFTER the field name. The number of blank columns to insert is determined by the number in the Context field.

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GL Export Custom Field CMT

Table 2: GL Export Custom Field CMT

Class Names used under the Export Custom Field CMT

These are custom Apex Classes that are installed along with the GL Exports package to modify the format of the GL Export that is generated. These values are used when creating CMT records for the GL Export package.

Apex Class



Adds a number of empty cells/columns after this cell equal to the number in the context field.

ie context = 3
csv output = value,,,,next value

Note: When using this class, the Field Name field in the CMT must be populated.


Counts the total number of rows in the Export. 


Adds all credits and debits within group


Counts the number of rows within a group.

ie: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.


Only displays the full row/columns of detail for the first row in a group.

Groups are set via the "Fields to Group By"

Table 3: Class Names

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