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Reset a Community Hub User Password


In order to reset the Community Hub User password(s) for a single or multiple users in Salesforce Classic or in Salesforce Lightning, staff must have the "Reset User Passwords" and "Unlock Users" permissions.

The staff has the ability to reset Community User passwords in Staff View. The Reset Password(s) button allows staff to initiate the password reset process on behalf of the user. Once the staff member clicks the button, an email is sent to users so that they can complete the password reset process. Staff users can initiate the password reset process for Community Hub users by following either of the following processes:

Reset Community Hub User password(s) in Salesforce Classic

The staff can reset the Community Hub User password(s) for single or multiple users in Salesforce Lightning by following the steps below. 

  1. From Setup, in the left navigation, click Manage Users from Administrator.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Select user(s) from the list of All Users.
    1. To reset the Community Hub User password for a single user, select a specific user. 
    2. To reset the Community Hub User Passwords for multiple users, select multiple users. 
  4. Click Reset Password(s).
  5. Click OK when asked, "Reset password for these user (s)?"

Reset Community Hub User password(s) from Salesforce Lightning

The staff can reset the Community Hub User password(s) for single or multiple users in Salesforce Lightning by following the steps below. 

  1. From Setup, in the left navigation, click Users under Administration. 
  2. Click Users under Users.
  3. Select a user(s) from the list of All Users.
    1. To reset the Community Hub User password for a single user, select a specific user. 
    2. To reset the Community Hub User Passwords for multiple users, select multiple users. 
  4. Click Reset Password(s).
  5. Click OK when asked, "Reset password for these users?"

After resetting Community Hub User's password from either Salesforce Classic or Salesforce Lightning, a message indicating "A new password for the following user has been sent via email. The user will be required to enter a new password upon initial login to" will be displayed. The user will receive the password reset email. They can then click the link in the email to follow through with the Community Hub password process. 

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