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Winter '21 Permission Changes

As part of each seasonal release, we update four custom user profiles (and one permission set) that ship with the Nimble AMS product. If you have cloned any of the profiles (most often the Nimble AMS Standard profile), you may wish to include some or all of these new permission grants into your own custom user profiles, so that your staff can access new capabilities.

Read about the exact profile and permission set changes made in Winter '21.

File Modified

Text File Win21-MR-Admin.profile.txt

Jul 20, 2024

Text File Win21-MR-Community_Hub_Guest.permissionset.txt

Jul 20, 2024

Text File Nimble AMS Standard Profile.txt

Jul 20, 2024

Text File Nimble AMS Integration Profile.txt

Jul 20, 2024

Text File AdminProfile.txt

Jul 20, 2024

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