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List of Additional Fields that Can Be Anonymized

This page lists the personally identifiable personal data and financial data that is not anonymized by default when staff anonymize an individual account.

Personal Data

There are a few pieces of data that are not personally identifiable by themselves, but in combination with other data, might become personally identifiable. If these pieces of data are personally identifiable for your association, you should add them to the list of personally identifiable data to be anonymized when staff anonymize an individualaccount. Learn how to Add a Field to Anonymize.

ObjectFieldField API NameRecommendation

Gender is typically considered personally identifiable data unless all other data on the individual is anonymized. Tracking an individual's gender alone is not enough to identify them.

AccountFirst NameFirstNameAnonymizing this field impacts financial records, which you may be required to keep for a specific length of time; often, 7 years. You should defer to legal council in understanding what data to anonymize.
AccountLast NameLastNameAnonymizing this field impacts financial records, which you may be required to keep for a specific length of time; often, 7 years. You should defer to legal council in understanding what data to anonymize.
AccountBilling LatitudeBillingLatitudeAnonymizing this field impacts financial records, which you may be required to keep for a specific length of time; often, 7 years. You should defer to legal council in understanding what data to anonymize.
AccountBilling LongitudeBillingLongitudeAnonymizing this field impacts financial records, which you may be required to keep for a specific length of time; often, 7 years. You should defer to legal council in understanding what data to anonymize.
AccountBilling StreetBillingStreetAnonymizing this field impacts financial records, which you may be required to keep for a specific length of time; often, 7 years. You should defer to legal council in understanding what data to anonymize.
AffiliationRoleNU__Role__cAn individual's role could be personally identifiable indirectly. For example: A role of CEO of Nimble Consulting is identifiable data even if the individual's name has been anonymized.
ContactFirst NameFirstNameAnonymizing this field impacts financial records, which you may be required to keep for a specific length of time; often, 7 years. You should defer to legal council in understanding what data to anonymize.
ContactLast NameLastNameAnonymizing this field impacts financial records, which you may be required to keep for a specific length of time; often, 7 years. You should defer to legal council in understanding what data to anonymize.
UserFirst NameFirstNameAnonymizing this field impacts financial records, which you may be required to keep for a specific length of time; often, 7 years. You should defer to legal council in understanding what data to anonymize.
UserLast NameLastNameAnonymizing this field impacts financial records, which you may be required to keep for a specific length of time; often, 7 years. You should defer to legal council in understanding what data to anonymize.

Financial Data

We recommend you retain financial information for the required number of years, often seven, and then manually anonymize it after that time.

ObjectFieldField API Name
External Payment ProfileBilling Street


External Payment ProfileFirst Name


External Payment ProfileLast Name


OrderInvoice Email


Order ItemCustomer


Order ItemShipping Street


PaymentName on Payment


PaymentBilling Street 2


PaymentBilling Street 3


PaymentBilling Street


Payment LineCredit Card Issuer Name


Recurring PaymentName on Credit Card


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