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Change the Fields Displayed on a Card

Many card types contain a field set, which controls what fields are displayed on the card, what order the fields are in, and if any of those fields are required. To change the fields displayed on a card, adjust the related field set.

  1. In the App Menu, select Community Hub Setup.
  2. In the tab bar, click Pages.
  3. In Page to configure:, select the page you want to customize.

  4. Click Edit next to the card you want to customize.
  5. Update the field set:
    1. To change the fields in the already selected field set, next to Field Set, click Edit.

      Edit a Field Set...
      1. To add more fields, click and drag fields from the palette into the In the Field Set area in the order you want them to appear on the card.

      2. To reorder fields, click and drag fields within the In the Field Set area.

      3. To make a field required, click 
        Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, Wrench
         next to the field, and select Required.
      4. To remove a field, click  
          next to the field you want to remove.
      5. Click Save.
      6. In your browser, close the Field Sets tab and click the Edit Card tab.
    2. To select a different field set, in Field Set, select the field set containing the fields you want to display on the card.

    3. To create a new field set, next to Field Set, click Add.

      Create a Field Set...
      1. Enter a value in  Field Set Label .
      2. Enter a value in  Field Set Name .
      3. Enter a value in Where is this used? .
      4. Click  Save .
      5. Click and drag fields from the palette into the In the Field Set area in the order you want them to appear on the card.

      6. Click  Save .
      7. In your browser, close the Field Sets tab and click the previous tab.
      8. Click  
        Field Set Refresh
          next to  Field Set  and in Field Set , select the field set you just created.
  6. Click Save.

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