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Community Hub Enhancements for Prediction Member Lapse Prevention

Nimble AMS has recently provided recommendations for best practices in Community Hub to ensure your members are reminded about renewing their membership if they're at risk for it lapsing.

Enhancements in Community Hub for Member Lapse Prevention

The recommended best practices and suggestions we've offered (and can continue to) are tailored for each association's business needs. For example, a card for membership renewal carts can have tailored messaging based on your renewal campaign. See the example in figure 1.

Other examples of enhancements that we've made were recommendations for best practices with the Community Hub personal snapshot to enhance the member's user experience and simultaneously optimize your campaign renewal strategies too. For example, if you'd like to have a call-to-action card with a customized renewal message to appear on the Personal Snapshot page, then you can go through the Community Hub settings to add it. 


Figure 1. Example that shows a customized renewal message that you can place on the call-to-action card of the member's Personal Snapshot page.


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