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Compact Layout Design Guidelines

Compact Layout Design Guidelines provide standards for when to create new compact layouts, how to name them, and how to organize fields.


Nimble AMS includes default compact layouts for every object. Additionally, some Nimble AMS objects that use record types include a compact layout for each record type.

If your association wants to display other fields, administrators should create a new compact layout or clone the Nimble AMS compact layout.

Do not directly modify the Nimble AMS compact layouts because packaged compact layouts must be reverted to their default state after each seasonal upgrade. If you modify the Nimble AMS compact layout, those changes will be overwritten in the next release. By cloning or creating your own compact layout, it will not be affected by upgrades.

If a compact layout exists that includes the desired field sequence but there is already a unique compact layout created for each of the other record types, we recommend continuing that pattern by creating a new compact layout specifically for your new record type. This keeps the compact layout assignment consistent and helps prevent inadvertent changes to other record types.


The standard for naming a compact layout depends on whether the compact layout is used as a default for all records or if it is assigned to a specific record type. 

Default Compact Layouts

For a compact layout that is not assigned to a specific record type, enter a name and API name with the format:

[association acronym]

For example, the association acronym for the International Society for the Exceptionally Nimble is ISEN. For a custom Widget object with no record types:

  • Name: ISEN
  • API Name: ISEN

Nimble AMS compact layouts that are not assigned to a record type are named  Nimble AMS with an API name of NimbleAMS. For example, Order has no record types and therefore has a single compact layout:

  • Name: Nimble AMS
  • API Name: NimbleAMS

Record Type Compact Layouts

For a compact layout assigned to a specific record type, enter a name in title case and an API name in Pascal case with the format:

[association acronym] [record type name]

For example, the association acronym for the International Society for the Exceptionally Nimble is ISEN. For a custom Widget object with record type Adjustable:

  • Name: ISEN Adjustable
  • API Name: ISEN Adjustable

Nimble AMS compact layouts assigned to specific record types are named with the format Nimble AMS [record type name] with the API name in Pascal case. For example, the Product record type Donation has a compact layout assigned to it:

  • Name: Nimble AMS Donation
  • API Name: NimbleAMSDonaion

Number of Fields

Include as many fields as possible in compact layouts, since staff view adapts to display as many as possible, based on available screen space.

For simpler objects, do not force yourself to populate each compact layout with the maximum number of fields allowed. Include only fields that are helpful. 

Field Sequence

Learn more about the recommended sequence of fields in Layout Design Guidelines

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