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Configure Duplicate Rules to Apply to a Specific User Profile

Learn how to configure duplicate rules so they only apply to a subset of your users, such as:

  • only Community Hub users who are logged in,
  • only Community Hub guests, or
  • only staff users.

Since some of the duplicate rule functionality is not compatible with Community Hub (learn more), this is a useful approach that empowers your team to still use the full duplicate rule functionality in Staff View while using a different, more lenient, duplicate rule in Community Hub.

Salesforce matching and duplicate rules are powerful, but it also takes wisdom to know how to configure these correctly to avoid unexpected results. You need to know how to configure both matching rules and duplicate rules before proceeding. This page simply outlines the specific way to configure duplicate rules in order to target subsets of users in Nimble AMS. If you are new to configuring matching and duplicate rules, we strongly recommend reading Duplicate Account Management and completing the Trailhead module referenced there, and then returning to this page.

The secret here is to use the Conditions area of duplicate rule configuration. The condition lets you fine-tune this duplicate rule based on data about the record being created/edited or the user who is doing the creation/edit. 

Edit the duplicate rule and add one or more of the following conditions, depending on who you are targeting:

Target (who you want the duplicate rule to apply to)FieldOperatorValue
Community Hub users who are logged inCurrent User: ProfileequalsCommunity Hub Login User
Community Hub guestsCurrent User: ProfileequalsCommunity Hub Profile
Staff usersCurrent User: Profileequals

System Administrator, Nimble AMS Standard

System Administrator and Nimble AMS Standard are the default staff profiles included in Nimble AMS. If your association uses custom profiles, specify them here.

Separated each profile by a comma. The comma signifies "OR" logic. Alternatively, you can put each profile as a distinct condition and override the default "AND" filter logic.

Remember to ensure the duplicate rule and matching rule are active once you are done modifying the duplicate rule.

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