Add My Company Page
Add My Company provides a way to enter company information and billing information to create a company. When users complete the form, they can submit to be automatically affiliated to the new company as their primary affiliation and are marked as a Company Manager.
This page is part of the classic affiliation experience seen on orgs where Nimble AMS was installed prior to the Nimble AMS Spring '17 release.
Duplicate Record Checking and Authorized Email Domain(s)
If enabled, when a user attempts to create a company, the company name and billing zip/postal code is checked against existing records to identify any matching company accounts that may exist in Nimble AMS. If a matching account(s) exists, users see a list of companies which may be the one they are looking for. If more than 1000 results are returned in the search, the first 1000 display and a message displays at the top of the page suggesting users narrow their search results by adding additional criteria. Additionally, if more than 10 potentially matching companies are found, the first 10 results display, and users can click Next to see the next 10 results, etc. Finally, a message displays if no results are found.
The limit of 1000 records displayed is a Salesforce limit that can not be customized.
Matching Account without Valid Email Domain(s) Set
If a company in the list is not set up to require users to have a specific email domain to join the company, users can click to affiliate themselves with the company.
Matching Account with a Valid Email Domain(s) Set
If a company in the list is set up to require users to have an authorized email domain to join the company, users who have authorized email addresses can click to affiliate themselves with the company. If users' email addresses are not authorized, the Add Company button is disabled and a message is shown letting them know their email is not approved and that they can edit their profile to ensure they have the correct email.
No Matches Found
Finally, if a user does not find a matching company in the list, they can click to create a new company using the information they've provided and are automatically affiliated to the new company as their primary affiliation and are marked as a Company Manager.
Customizing Duplicate Record Checking
An administrator can enable/disable duplicate record checking on company addition, can configure whether exact or similar results are shown, and can use a field set to specify what information is shown to users for each result in the list.
Additional cards cannot be added to the Matching Accounts area.
Page Information
Page | /apex/addmycompany |
AddMyCompany | |
AddMyCompanyController | |
Template | AccountTemplate |
Heading Label | AddMyCompany |
Description Label | ProvideInformationCreateAccount |
Cards on the Page
NewCompanyInformation |
NewCompanyBillingAddress |
NewAuthorizedEmails |