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Apple & Google Pay Support

Today’s members will no longer accept outdated e-commerce experiences and cumbersome payment processing. Convenience is key to a great experience and key to your future revenue. Your organization can now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay in Nimble AMS through our CardPointe Payment Gateway from CardConnect. Digital Payments through Apple Pay and Google Pay capability will enable your members and customers to make quick, secure, and convenient payments; eliminating the need for entering payment card details manually and enhancing the overall checkout experience. 

Members can pay for their dues, donate to a cause, register for an event and purchase items from the store using Apple Pay and Google Pay in Nimble AMS. This not only saves time by eliminating the need to manually enter payment card information but also provides an added layer of security to payment transactions. By adopting Apple Pay and Google Pay, associations can provide their members the payment ease they deserve with the payment solution that millions of Americans know and trust.

    Figure 1.  Apple Pay and Google Pay buttons in Experience Cloud Checkout


  • Quick and Easy Check-Out Experience: Constituents can make online payments quickly and easily without having to enter their payment details each time.
  • Better Member Experience: Improving the member experience can lead to increased trust between the association and its members, resulting in greater loyalty and retention rates.
  • Increased Revenue: By providing our constituents with a faster and more convenient payment option Associations can attract more constituents (particularly Guest users) who are looking for a convenient and faster checkout which leads to increased revenue.
  • Enhanced Security: Google Pay and Apple Pay are trusted payment brands that use secure encryption technology to protect users' payment information, reducing the risk of fraud and unauthorized access. As a result, associations can enjoy improved credibility, increased constituent satisfaction, and reduced financial risks.

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