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Bank Accounts

Using Bank Accounts, you can track cash, checks, and other types of payments. When setting up bank accounts in Nimble AMS, at least one bank account should be created for each entity. The bank accounts you create are used to set up payment methods and credit card issuers for your entities.

Creating Bank Accounts

An administrator can create one or more bank account for your association. Prior to creating a bank account, you must first create a bank GL Account.

When you create a bank account, you can record the following information about the bank account:

  • Bank Account Name
  • Bank GL Account
  • Entity

This information is used throughout Nimble AMS and can be used in your analytics.

Payment Methods on Bank Accounts

Payment methods capture the types of payments your association accepts from constituents—such as cash, check, and credit card. When you enter a payment for an order, the payment methods displayed are the entity payment methods created under the bank account. You can create different payment methods under different  bank accounts.

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