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Configure an Authentication Provider for Community Hub

Administrators can walk through a collection of steps to configure an authentication provider and enable it for use in Community Hub.

Before you get started setting up an authentication provider, there will be a few steps where you will need to enter the name of an Apex class, select a user, or another action. Please keep this information in mind:

  • When setting up Facebook, in User Info Endpoint URL, enter,email.
  • In Custom Error URL, enter the the full path to your Community Hub Welcome page. Example:
  • In Registration Handler, enter SocialRegistrationHandler.
  • In Execute Registration As, enter the full name of the administer user who is the Site Contact for Community Hub.
  • In Icon URL, enter the path to an icon to display as a button on the Welcome page. This icon applies to Community Hub only, and does not appear on the login page for your Salesforce org. Users click the button to log in with the associated authentication provider. You can specify a path to your own image, or copy the URL for one of the sample icons into the field. An icon size of 64px by 64px is recommended.
  1. Configure an authentication provider.
  2. Enable the authentication provider in Community Hub.
    1. From Setup, enter All Communities in the Quick Find box, then select All Communities.
    2. Click Manage next to the community name.
    3. Click Administration | Login & Registration.
    4. In the "Login" section, in External users can login or register with, select the authentication provider you just configured.
    5. Click Save.
When testing social sign-on in Community Hub, be sure to do so in another browser session so there are no login conflicts.

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