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Coupon Configuration

When creating Coupons, each component needs to be created individually and then linked together. You would create the different components in this order:

  1. Coupon Product
  2. Coupon Rule
  3. Coupon Code

When a Coupon Code is used, this will create an actual Coupon record.

Coupon Products

A Coupon Product is a record created in the Products object, using the Coupon record type. This houses little information on its own but is key in ensuring that the correct Revenue GL Accounts are Entity are being credited/debited. If a Coupon Product is not listed as Self-Service enabled, the Coupon Code will only work in Staff View.

Coupon Rules

Coupon rules drive the couponing functionality in Nimble AMS and Community Hub. They are linked to the overall Coupon product, which can be assigned an inventory value for tracking purposes. They also contain Coupon Code detail, including Discount RateDiscount PercentageMaximum DiscountStart DateEnd Date, Days Valid, and Application Method.

The Application Method field on Coupon Rule controls whether the coupon applies to all applicable products or only the one with the highest price (“All” or “Highest Only”). Configure the feature by following the steps here.

  • All - applies the discount to all the products that qualify for the discount.
  • Highest Only - if the coupon code is related to a specific product, and there is more than one of that product in the cart, the coupon code is applied to the product with the greatest cost. 

Staff users can manually assign a coupon code to a rule or can choose to automatically generate a code based on the specified criteria. The code that is generated is what is given to Community Hub users to be entered at checkout.

Coupon Codes

Coupon codes are tied to rules in staff view. Codes can be generated manually by staff, using the New Coupon Code button, or automatically, using the Generate Coupon Code button. Coupon codes are visible under the Coupon Codes related list on the rule from which they originated. The code is assigned a status of Active or Inactive based on the Start and End Date, and can be deleted as needed. It can also be assigned a start date and end date. If the End Date field is left blank, the code will be usable as long as the status remains active.

A coupon discount link connects products or order item configurations to coupon rules. Discount links are completely optional, and can be added through the Coupon Discount Links related list on the Coupon Rule object.

Products or order item configurations linked to a coupon rule will specify the coupon codes for the rule and may be applied to an order. For example, if the coupon rule should only be applicable to membership, you would create a new coupon discount link, and link the membership order item configuration record to the coupon rule with it. If the coupon rule should only be applied for Product A, B, and C, you would create Coupon Discount Links for Product A, Product B, and Product C each.

How to Set Up Deferred Revenue for Coupons

Deferred Coupons functionality provides Associations an ability to apply a discount using coupons to memberships/subscriptions/registrations which are on a deferred schedule.

When coupons are applied to products set with deferment options, it defers the discounted amount as well. Nimble AMS will provide the ability to associations to mark the coupons for deferment. The system will then follow the same deferred revenue method as that of the product on which the coupon is applied. This feature will help in creating a correct deferred schedule for coupons as per the product deferment.

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