Community Hub provides administrators the ability to customize when Community Hub users are allowed to submit Components.
In the tab bar, click App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
Click Component Submission.
In Eligible Term Statuses, enter a comma separated list of program term statuses–Past, Current, and/or Future–in which users should be able to submit components.
In Eligible Statuses, enter a comma separated list of program statuses–Enrolled, Completed, Withdrew, Expired, Suspended, and/or Canceled–in which users should be able to submit components.
Select Unrestricted to allow users to submit components for all community enabled Component Types, even if users are not enrolled in a Program.
This overrides the settings in Eligible Term Statuses and Eligible Statuses.
Click Save.
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