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Enable Find My Account in Community Hub

Administrators can enable Find My Account by going to Page Configuration, and clicking the Enable Find My Account button. Once the feature is enabled, the FindMyAccount Field Set can be customized to include the desired fields - these fields must also be set and matched in the NC__IndividualCreateAccountDupeCheck field set, which can only be modified by Nimble AMS Support.

  1. Enable Find My Account
    1. From Page Configuration, in the Configure Optional Pages section, click Enable Find My Account.
  2. Customize the fields shown on the Find My Account page.
    1. From Setup, enter Accounts in the Quick Find box, then select Field Sets.
    2. Click Edit next to "FindMyAccount".
    3. Click and drag fields into the "In the Field Set" area.

      Press CTRL/CMND to select multiple fields.

      If no fields are marked required, users will be able to submit a blank form, which decreases the possibility of finding an account. Staff should require fields that are most likely to find an account. This depends on business practices and the unique identifiers used to track account data.

      It is strongly recommended that at least one unique field is included in this field set which only a constituent would know, example: Association ID. It is also recommended that all fields in the field set be set to "Required".

      For fields in the field set to be visible to Community Hub users, they will need to be granted access using the Community Hub Guest permission set.

    4. Click Save.

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