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File Upload Card Type

The File Upload card type displays a title and description for the card along with a Choose A File... button which constituents can click to choose a file from their device. When a file is chosen, the name of the file is shown as the name of the button.

When constituents submit the page containing the card, the card uses a data source–like ProfileImageFileUpload Data Source or CompanyProfileImageUpload Data Source–to create a new file record.

Example: When constituents upload a profile image, a new file record is created with the image, and the file record is linked to their account and user records.

If constituents update a file, their profile image for example, when they submit the new image, it is added to the file record and designated as a new version.

This card type is meant for the Accounts object only and requires a custom data source for proper use.

Card Type Information

Controller NameFileUploadComponentController
File Upload
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