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Find My Account Page

On the My Account, users can find their account based on Last Name, ID field, or another unique identifier determined by staff. This is useful for organizations that have constituents that do not have email addresses and need to create a Community Hub user account by providing users with an email and password. There are several scenarios that occur based on whether or not the user has an existing account, no account, or multiple accounts with similar information.

The field set used for finding accounts must contain and require at least the Last Name field as well as a field to be used as a unique ID for the account.

Searching for an Account

Users can search for an account by accessing the Find My Account page via the login page in Community Hub.

On the Find My Account page, they will be able to enter information into the fields displayed. They must enter information into all required fields (marked with an asterisk). If a user attempts to submit the form without the required fields populated, they will see an error. 

Finding an Account that Already Exists (with No Community Hub User)

If a single account is found with an exact match to the information entered by the user but does not have an attached Community Hub user, the user will be able to create a new user account via the form. They will be prompted to enter their email address and a password in order to create their Community Hub User and tie it to their existing Nimble AMS account.  

Finding an Account that Already Exists (with a Community Hub User)

If a user has a Nimble AMS account and an existing Community Hub account with an email address, they will be prompted to reset their password in order to access their account.  

Finding Multiple Accounts that Already Exist

If multiple accounts are found using the information the user entered, they will be prompted to contact staff in order to create their Community Hub account. 

Page Information

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Description LabelCheckRecordsHaveAccount

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