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Integration Logging

Nimble AMS
 The Sloggly package gives administrators essential tools for logging integrations with external apps. Contact Nimble AMS Support to have this package installed in your org.

Nimble AMS supports logging for configured integration settings.

Logging can tell you:

  • When an integration runs

  • Which integration is running

  • When an error or a warning is issued

Here are the details that are logged for requests and results:
Information LoggedLogged for RequestLogged for Result
Org Name

Nimble AMS

Nimble AMS

Ord Id

Nimble AMS

Nimble AMS

Org Environment

(Production vs Sandbox)

Nimble AMS

Nimble AMS

Org Type

(Developer Edition, Enterprise Edition, etc)

Nimble AMS

Nimble AMS

Request Date/Time

Nimble AMS

Nimble AMS

Current Logging Level

Nimble AMS

Nimble AMS

Integration Setting Id

Nimble AMS

Integration Setting Name

Nimble AMS

Integration Setting SOQL Query

(If the setting if an Outbound setting)

Nimble AMS

Message Received

Nimble AMS

Responder's IP Address

Nimble AMS

Logging with Loggly

You can set up Nimble AMS to use logging service Loggly (external), or, if you prefer to use another logging service, you can with some development effort.

The free tier of Loggly allows up to 200MB of logs per day and retains them for up to 7 days. Additional tiers may be purchased to retain more logs.

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