Administrators can integrate Nimble AMS with other Community Brands applications to meet all of your association's needs. Nimble AMS is part of the larger Community Brands family of solutions.
Configure Single Sign-On (SSO) Using Community Hub as the Identity Provider
You've exposed a lot of portals and web apps to your constituents: Community Hub, your main website, and perhaps a job board or a learning management system like Freestone LMS or Crowd Wisdom LMS. It's not exactly a smooth experience if they have to log in to all those sites individually.
How about they log in once and then they are securely logged in everywhere? That's the beauty of Single Sign-On (SSO).
Integrate Expo Logic Badge on Demand with Nimble AMS
For associations who wish to print badges for event attendees, the Badge on Demand Integration is a badge printing solution that allows for badges to be printed during registration, prior to event attendance, or during self-check-in at an event. This integration solution allows for seamless passing of registrant information from the AMS into the badge printing software (Expologic) with little/no manual interference needed.
Nimble AMS Integration with Crowd Wisdom
Our learning management software solution – Crowd Wisdom encourages learning anytime, anywhere, and in a variety of formats. Nimble AMS has developed an integration that works with Crowd Wisdom learning management software that allows members and association administrators to take advantage of both platforms.
Nimble AMS Integration with Freestone
YM Careers
Track leads and increase acquisition of individuals and companies using your job board by integrating Nimble AMS with YM Careers.