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Join And Renew Button

For users, if staff have created membership options that allow individuals to join as members, the Join And Renew button is shown reading "Join Now", and takes users to the Join or Renew page to allow them to enter the join process.

For users who are company managers, if staff have created active membership options that allow companies to join as members, the Join And Renew button is shown reading "Join Now", and takes users to the Join or Renew page to allow them to enter the join process.

If the feature is enabled, the button shows "Renew", and takes users to the Join or Renew page to allow users to enter the renewal process.

If staff have created a cash bill for a user, or for a company of which a user is a manager, the button shows "Renew", and takes users to the Join or Renew page to allow users to review the renewal and add it to their cart.

If staff have created an outstanding invoice for a user, or for a company of which a user is a manager, the button shows, reads "Pay Now", and takes users to the Outstanding Invoice page to allow users to review the renewal and pay.

Button Information

Join And Renew
Is Primary ActionNo

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