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LWC - Chapter Directory

Chapter Directory

The Chapter Directory Lightning Web Component (LWC) is a component that displays a list of members of the specifed chapter. It can be configured to use a specific chapter ID, or to display dynamically based on a URL parameter.

Configuration Options

Learn more about Experience Builder here.

From the components list, select the Chapter Directory component and drag it onto the site page. 

On the page, click within the Chapter Directory component to bring up the Property editor. 

Figure 1. Chapter Directory LWC with configuration properties



Field Set

Choose the field set from the Account Affiliation object that contains the fields you wish to display. By default, the provided "Chapter Directory" field set is selected.

The first field in the Field Set is used as the title.

Chapter Account

The Chapter Account to use for display. Use a RecordId to specify a specific Chapter Account, or use {url.param} for a url parameter.


The title to show above the Directory. Use $Label to reference a Custom Label (e.g. $Label.c.Chapter_Directory)

Icon Name

The Lightning Design System name of the Icon. Names are written in the format 'standard:employee' where 'standard is the category, and 'employee' is the specific icon to be displayed.


Figure 2. Chapter Directory when used in Experience Cloud site

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