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LWC - My Payment Methods

My Payment Methods

The My Payment Methods Lightning Web Component (LWC) enables association members to add new payment methods, manage their existing ones, and view all of their stored payment information. Association members can conveniently maintain their financial information without relying on staff.

The component and configuration for the My Payment Methods component will appear on Builder in Experience/Community Builder.

This component is also device responsive and can be accessed through Tablet and Mobile.

Configuration Options

Learn more about Experience Builder here.

From the components list on the left panel, select the My Payment Methods component and drag it onto the site page.

There are no properties to configure for the My Payment Methods LWC.

  • How to find the properties on the Lightning Web Component? - After drag and drop of the component on the Lightning page, click on the component to bring up the Property Editor. If there are properties available for the LWC, it will be displayed on the property editor.

Figure 1. My Payment Methods LWC with configuration properties.


Figure 2. My Payment Methods page in Experience Cloud Community Hub.

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