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Membership Lapse Prevention Solutions for Staff Awareness

Nimble Predictions Member Lapse Prevention provides different solutions (listed below) to alert your staff about high-risk members, track their engagement, and respond effectively:

Figure 1. Staff Awareness solutions infographic

About Action Cards and Risk Cards

Action Cards will display for all high-risk members and provide their lapse risk indicator coupled with recommended incentives to offer them.

Figure 2. Example of an action card

The Risk Warning Card contains an easy-to-see icon that appears on the Person Account page. It will appear for any member who is at risk of lapsing their membership. 

Figure 3. Example of a Risk Warning card that you can place on the Person Account page

About Reports and the Dashboard

Staff will have access to a report that will display member risk scores and be sorted by the risk lapse category. The Dashboard (shown in figure 4) provides a summary of member risk categories and shows a visual representation of the data that the report is derived from. You can use the report to help drive campaigns and track renewals.

Figure 4. Example of the Dashboard

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