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My Payment Methods in the new Member Portal

The "My Payment Methods in the new Member Portal (Built on Experience Cloud)" feature provides an easy-to-use interface that allows the association members to add new payment methods, manage the existing ones, and view all of their stored payment information. By offering a self-service platform for payment management, association members can conveniently maintain their financial information, reducing the need to rely on staff for such tasks. This self-serve functionality elevates engagement and a modern & efficient interface enhances the user experience.

As a part of the innovative hybrid strategy, members can easily navigate from the familiar Visualforce Community Hub pages to the enhanced Member Portal page when they click on “My Payment Methods.”

My Payment Methods - Memberfacing Site.png

Figure 1. My Payment Methods page in the Member Portal.


  • Easy Access: Association members can conveniently access their stored payment methods directly from the Member Portal.

  • Effortless Management: Editing and deleting existing stored payment methods is now a breeze, providing members with ultimate control over their financial preferences.

  • Salesforce Experience Cloud Platform: Apart from ensuring advanced security features and seamless system performance, Member Portal maximizes flexibility and customization by enabling easy-to-use, drag-and-drop components through Experience Builder to be used on the lightning pages. The components created are also device-responsive in nature.

Get Started Today

Request to be enrolled in a pilot through the "Enroll in a Pilot" section on our NimbleLand Pilots page. Select the Experience Cloud Member Portal option from the Features drop-down.

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