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Order Payment Method Selection Card Type

The Order Payment Method Selection card type displays the external payment profiles for the payment gateway of the entity for the current Community Hub. The external payment profiles display as a list of stored payment methods from which constituents can choose one. The card does not display by default, but displays when directed to by another card on the page. The items listed on the card are options provided by the data source. The card type displays the stored payment methods in order by description with the default stored payment method preselected.

The Order Payment Option Selection card type must be used on pages which deal with orders, such as the Donate Now Page.

Also, the behavior of the Cart Payment Method Selection card type is determined by an implementation of the PaymentOptions Apex class, which is returned by the data source on the card. The PaymentOptions Data Source is recommended for use with this card type.

Card Type Information

Card Component ConstructorOptionSelectionComponentConstructor
Display NameOrder Payment Option Selection
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