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In Nimble AMS, each product is set up with a default price and additional pricing details can be configured through price classes and special prices.

Creating Pricing

When you create a special price, you select one or more price classes to receive the price you set. A specific product is also tied to the special price, allowing you to set a price class to different products.

A special price for registration products allows for early, regular, and late pricing. The event determines date for each cut off by setting an Early Registration Cut Off Date and a Regular Registration Cut Off Date.


In Nimble AMS, you use products to represent the goods or services your association offers to your constituents. Your products are set up using product types which define what attributes the products have. For example, an event session product has a start and end date, but a merchandise product does not. Your products are purchased by your constituent using orders.

Price Classes

In Nimble AMS, constituents may receive a reduced price based on their involvement with your association or other attributes. A price class is a group of your constituents who should receive the same price. For example, members may pay a lower price for merchandise than non-members.

You can create a product with special prices, so that you can assign different prices by price class. When a constituent purchases a product, the constituent's price class is used to determine what price is charged.

Special Prices

Your constituents may be part of a price class in which they receive special pricing automatically. You can setup special pricing for different products in Staff View.

When a constituent logs into Community Hub, they will see either the retail price or special price of a product if they meet the requirements of the price class.

Product Pricing

All products are set up with a single default price, or the List Price. When an order is processed in Staff View, the order processor displays special pricing based on the account's price class. If an account does not qualify for a special price, the list price is displayed.

Staff can assign Special Prices to Price Classes

Staff have the ability to set or change a special price in Staff View. When a special price is tied to a price class, the price will be driven from this. If an account does not meet the requirements of any price class, they will receive a default price of the product instead of the special price.

Staff may also change the price class on an order in the order process. In doing so, different special prices will display.

Community Hub Pricing

How it Works

Both Community Hub guests and non members can only view retail prices for merchandise products, and must be logged in prior to adding a merchandise product to their cart. Logged in member users can view the retail and member price for merchandise products.

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