Nimble AMS supports several base product types that have specific attributes that make them distinct. Even though they are unique, they are configurable in similar ways.
These steps go over creating product options, such as different subscriptions or different events, not creating new product objects. For information regarding creating new product objects, you can learn more here (external).
In Lightning, Apps | Products | New or in Classic, All Tabs | Products | New
Once you select New, this will ask that you choose a record type.
This is where the process changes slightly depending on the record type chosen. Each of the baseNimble AMS products consist of different field requirements, which can be tailored to suit your needs.
External Sales Tax | Tax Codes
As of winter '20 release, Nimble AMS supports Advanced Taxation feature using which external tax systems can be used for tax calculation for all products configured for using them. While creating a product which is marked taxable, a staff user must select a value from the Tax Codedrop down on Product page to define which tax will apply to the product. See Advanced Taxationto learn more. In Avalara, a third party tax computation portal, the administrator can map additional Tax Codes with Item Codes. SeeAdding Tax Codesto learn more.
Editing Products
In the tab bar, click App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
Click Products.
Select a list view and click Go!
Click Edit next to the product you want to modify and make desired changes.
Entity cannot be changed.
Optionally, inCurrency,select the right currency value.
If you have enabled Salesforce multi-currency, Salesforce introduces theCurrencyfield on all object layouts within your org.
While creating a new Product record make sure to select the Currency field value that matchesthe Currency field value on the linked Entity record. If theCurrencyfield value of Entity and Productdoes not match, then it throws an error.
Also, once the record is saved, you will not be allowed to edit the value of theCurrencyfield.
Show Me An Image
Click Save.
Deactivating Products
Deactivating a product will prevent staff or constituents from selling or purchasing them, but will ensure that the products and their historical orders still appear in analytic records.
Restricting the change of a product's status to 'Inactive' if it is linked to ongoing installment schedules.
From a product, click Edit.
Click Status and select Inactive.
Click Save.
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