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Set Up Bill Me

Set up bill me in your org.

    1. Add Trusted to the Account Page Layouts.
      1. From Setup, click Customize | Accounts | Person Accounts | Page Layouts.
      2. In the "Page Layouts" list, click Edit next to "Person Account Layout".
      3. Add Trusted below Account Money Spent.
      4. Click Save.
      5. Repeat these steps for any custom Person Account Page Layouts.
    2. Add Bill Me to the Cart Page Layout.
      1. From Setup, click Create | Objects.
      2. In the Custom Objects list, click Cart.
      3. In the "Page Layouts" list, click Edit next to "Cart Layout".
      4. Add Bill Me below Invoice Date.
      5. Click Save.
    3. Add Bill Me to the Cart Item Page Layout.
      1. From Setup, click Create | Objects.
      2. In the Custom Objects list, click Cart Item.
      3. In the "Page Layouts" list, click Edit next to "Cart Item Layout".
      4. If Registration Types are set up add Bill Me Enabled below Registration Type.
      5. If Registration Types are not set up add Bill Me below Order Item.
      6. Click Save.
    4. Add Bill Me Enabled to the Entity Page Layout.
      1. From Setup, click Create | Objects.
      2. In the Custom Objects list, click Entity.
      3. In the "Page Layouts" list, click Edit next to "Entity Layout".
      4. Add Bill Me Enabled below Fax.
      5. Click Save.
    5. Add Bill Me Enabled to the Entity Order Item object Page Layout.
      1. From Setup, click Create | Objects.
      2. In the Custom Objects list, click Entity Order Item.
      3. In the "Page Layouts" list, click Edit next to "Entity Order Item Configuration Layout".
      4. Add Bill Me Enabled below Shipping GL Account.
      5. Click Save.
    6. Add Bill Me to the Order Page Layout.
      1. From Setup, click Create | Objects.
      2. In the Custom Objects list, click Order.
      3. In the "Page Layouts" list, click Edit next to "Order Layout".
      4. Add Bill Me below Invoice Due Date.
      5. Click Save.
    7. Add Bill Me to the Order Item Page Layouts.
      1. From Setup, click Create | Objects.
      2. In the Custom Objects list, click Order Item.
      3. In the "Page Layouts" list, click Edit next to "Donation Layout".
      4. Add Bill Me below Price Class.
      5. Click Save.
      6. Repeat these steps for the "Membership Layout", "Miscellaneous Layout", "Product Layout", and "Registration Layout" Page Layouts.
      7. In the "Page Layouts" list, click Edit next to "Subscription Layout".
      8. Add Bill Me Enabled below Transaction Date.
      9. Click Save.
    8. Add Bill Me Enabled to the Product Page Layouts.
      1. From Setup, click Create | Objects.
      2. In the Custom Objects list, click Product.
      3. In the "Page Layouts" list, click Edit next to "Donation".
      4. Add Bill Me Enabled below Self Service Enabled.
      5. Click Save.
      6. Repeat these steps for the "Membership", "Miscellaneous", "Product", "Registration" and "Subscription" and any custom Product Page Layouts.
    9. Enable cards on the Checkout page.
      1. From Page Configuration, using Page to configure:, select Checkout.
      2. Click Enable next to the "PaymentOptions" card.

      3. Click Enable next to the "BillMeAddress" card.

      4. Click Enable next to the "BillMeDetails" card.

        The characters and spaces in the names of the cards on a page, together with the commas inserted between each on the Page Custom Setting may not exceed 255. Once reached, administrators will not be allowed to add additional cards to a page. If you are not allowed to add a card to a page, it is because the cards on the page have names that are too long, and must be shortened, or one or more cards must be removed or disabled.

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