Winter '23 Maintenance Release
This is a list of every change made in the Winter '23 Maintenance Release of Nimble AMS. Between seasonal releases, maintenance releases occur to fix defects and make product improvements. Timing of our releases are included in the Release Dates section.
Nimble AMS Staff View
Defects Fixed
Updated Nimble AMS Order Processor to verify Avalara’s transaction status (locked or unlocked).
Organizations using External Taxation with Avalara who also file tax records using the Avalara service would receive an error when adjusting an order in Nimble AMS when the associated transaction was “locked” in Avalara. (AMS-12874)
Your association may be affected if you:
• Use Avalara Taxation to file your tax returns
• Adjust transactions in Nimble AMS
Original System Design: When using Advanced Taxation-Avalara, Nimble AMS would display an error when adjusting an order with a locked transaction in Avalara. That order could not be adjusted in Nimble AMS.
Solution: Updated the Order Processor to display a warning message when a staff user attempts to adjust an order that has an associated transaction that is locked in Avalara. Staff can make the adjustment in Nimble AMS, but the changes will not be committed to Avalara and the External Taxation Status field on the Nimble AMS order will be updated to “Needs Adjustment”. Staff can then make the necessary adjustments in Avalara and update the External Taxation Status of the order in Nimble AMS to “Successful”. For transactions that are not in a locked state in Avalara, staff users can make adjustments in Nimble AMS the same as before.
Module(s) affected: Order Processor, Accounting, Taxation, External Taxation
Made minor improvement to enhance Community Hub (CH) speed performance so payment process will now only process CH shopping carts with orders.
Community Hub (CH) users encountered slowness and error: ‘Time limit exceeded…’ when they attempt to process membership renewal via Express Payment and Hosted Payment. (AMS-12830)
Your association may be affected if you:
• Use Express Payment to renew membership
• Use Payment Manager
Original System Design: CH users should be able to process membership renewal payment via Express Pay or other Hosted Payment form without extreme delay or timeout error.
Solution: Optimized query to remove a redundant query when processing carts without previous orders.
Module(s) affected: CH shopping cart, Payment
Reference Group Number for transactions from Cancel Membership Mid-Term now generates correctly.
Sometimes the reference group number that represents a canceled transaction appears as ‘0’ when the Cancel Membership Mid-Term feature is used. (AMS-12789, AMS-12763)
Your association may be affected if you:
• Use Cancel Membership Mid-Term feature
• Place a Membership Order from Staff View
Original System Design: When staff use the Cancel Membership Mid-Term feature to cancel a membership, a new transaction reference group number, not equal to or less than 0, should be generated for the canceled transaction(s).
Solution: Modified the system to identify the total number of transactions generated and replace the reference group numbers with the correctly generated numbers.
Module(s) affected: Cancel Membership Mid-Term, Membership Order
Community Hub (CH) users are now limited to 50 characters when entering Card Holder Name field for a new Credit Card.
Community Hub (CH) users encountered an error stating: ‘Something has gone wrong. Please contact support’, when they entered a value in the name field that exceeded fifty characters. They were also getting charged in the payment processor, but no payment was recorded in Nimble AMS, due to the error. (AMS-12829)
Your association may be affected if you:
• Have CH users who make a payment with a new Credit Card
• Have association staff who make a payment
Original System Design: Payments recorded in processor should be voided if a CH user encounters an error, during a payment transaction.
Solution: Enforced a maximum character restriction of 50 characters on Card Holder Name field. When entering credit card name details in CH and Staff View (SV), users will be limited to 50 characters. If the card holder name exceeds 50 characters, the system will not record characters exceeding 50 but payments will continue to process, and this will be recorded in Nimble AMS.
Module(s) affected: Payment, Accounting, Community Hub
Hosted Payment Form update now use the correct GL account for Cross Entity orders.
Associations encountered issues where a Cross Entity order was paid using a credit card, but the payment transaction debited the wrong entity’s GL account. (AMS-12834)
Your association may be affected if you:
• Have more than one entity
• Use Cross Entity orders
• Use Hosted Payment Form
Original System Design: Cross Entity order(s) should use the correct GL account when a payment is made in Staff View and Community Hub (CH).
Solution: Updated the Hosted Payment Form to send the payment form’s entity ID when the cart’s entity does not contain the payment method.
Module(s) affected: Cross Entity orders, Hosted Payment Forms
Failed schedule job counts are now recorded to limit the number of times failed jobs run.
When users ran a schedule job and it failed, and then attempted to retry the process. The system processed indefinite re-try of schedule runs, even when users were no longer performing deliberate actions to run the schedule. (AMS-12822)
Your association may be affected if you:
• Run a scheduled job and encounter failure
• Have recurring scheduled job(s)
Original System Design: There should be an incremental record count of schedules that run and fail, so that it does not automatically run indefinitely.
Solution: The system was updated to keep incremental record of retries for failed schedules, before generating the order items.
Module(s) affected: Scheduled Payments, Scheduled Payment Methods
Community Hub
Defects Fixed
Updated Labels for Field Mapping used in Single Sign-On (SSO) Community Hub (CH) setup.
Field Mapping labels appeared to be reversed for source and destination fields. Association members encountered confusion on the previous labelling for field mapping on SSO because the fields labelled: ‘Record Source’, ‘Source Field’, ‘Source Linking Field’, ‘Record Destination’, ‘Destination Field’, ‘Destination Linking Field’, ‘Name’, were reverted in the opposite direction. (NC-6270)
Your association may be affected if you:
• Attempted to set up SSO for Community Hub (CH)
• Created a Field Mapping record
Original System Design: Field labels should correctly map to their respective source and destination fields during SSO Community Hub (CH) setup.
Solution: Reconfigured and relabeled Field names for Field Mapping to navigate to the appropriate source and destination fields.
Modules(s) affected: Field Mapping in CH settings, CH setup, SSO
Organizations with over 1,000 objects can now create and edit Buttons in Community Hub (CH) Setup.
Organizations with over 1,000 objects encountered an error, “Collection size 1,00xxx exceeds maximum size of 1,000”, when they attempt to create or edit button records in Community Hub (CH) Setup. (NC-6277)
Your association may be affected if you:
• Have over 1,000 objects in your Nimble AMS org
• Create buttons in CH Setup
• Edit buttons in CH Setup
Original System Design: Organizations that have over 1,000 objects should be able to create or edit button records without error.
Solution: Improved CH Setup to ensure buttons can be created or edited.
Module(s) affected: CH Setup
Read Only Field Set cards now support HTML tags in description label.
Some associations encountered issues with viewing descriptions on the Community Hub (CH) card that supports the hyperlink (HTML-based information or Images) because Read Only Field Set card type did not support HTML-based descriptions. (NC-5834)
Your association may be affected if you:
• Use Read Only Field Set cards and want to use HTML-based descriptions
Original System Design: CH users should be able to view text and images embedded in an HTML-based description when association staff configures a Read Only Field Set card for HTML tags.
Solution: We improved the Read Only Field Set component to support HTML tags so users can get the appropriate output based on HTML tags.
Module(s) affected: Community Hub Configuration, HTML Tag, Card Layout
Developed a membership extension period to make ‘Renew’ button available to Community Hub (CH) association members when membership is in a grace period or has lapsed.
Community Hub (CH) users were made to rejoin memberships when their membership was in a grace period or had lapsed since only the ‘Join’ button was available. Also, CH users who left unsubmitted membership renewals in their cart were double charged (Renew and Join fees) when they rejoined. (NC-6263, NC-6264)
Your association may be affected if you:
• Have association members that leave unsubmitted membership renewals in their cart
• Have association members who renew their memberships after memberships had lapsed or were in a grace period
Original System Design: CH users should use the Renew button to renew their membership when the membership has lapsed or was in a grace period and was within the reinstatement period (decided by the association). Members should be charged only once, when they renew or rejoin their membership, even if they had left a membership cart unsubmitted.
Solution: Updated staff view with ‘Re-instate period’ and ‘Re-instate period unit’ fields to provide membership extension (Renew button in CH), when memberships have lapsed or were within a grace period. Associations will determine their Re-instate period (just like Grace period). For unsubmitted cart orders, staff can go into the Billing History to clean up carts as needed, to avoid double membership charges.
Module(s) affected: Community Hub Cart, Membership Renewal, Memberships, Order Entry
Updated availability status on Donation Products that are no longer offered.
Association members were erroneously able to process payments for donation products that were no longer offered in Community Hub (CH). (NC-6250)
Your association may be affected if you:
• Have members that purchase the donation products in CH
• Have donation products that were discontinued
Original System Design: When users process payments for donation products which are no longer offered, then they should get an error message and payment button should not be visible on the Donation Checkout page.
Solution: Updated system to show an error message, “This product is no longer available for checkout”, when a donation product is no longer available for purchase.
Module(s) affected: Donations, Payments, Community Hub
Community Hub Login page redirection error has been corrected.
After Community Hub (CH) users logged in from an Event Detail page, they would be redirected back to the login page, even though it was successful. Making a second attempt to log in would display an error: “Error occurred while loading a Visualforce page. The page you submitted was invalid for your session….”. (NC-6246)
Your association may be affected if you:
• Have association members who use CH to Log in for an event
• Have guest users who use CH to register for an event
Original System Design: When association members and guest users attempt to register for an event through Community Hub, they should be able to login and register for the event, on the first attempt.
Solution: Updated the cache setting for Community Hub login page.
Module(s) affected: CH Login, CH Event Registration
Seasonal Permission Changes
See the Winter '23 Permission Changes in the Security section.