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List View Design Guidelines

List View Design Guidelines provide standards for when to create new list views, how to name them, and how to organize fields.


Before creating a list view, review which ones already exist to ensure you are not creating a duplicate list view. Nimble AMS includes at least one list view for every object, which only Administrators can directly edit. All staff can create their own list views.

List views filter on a grouping, or subset, of records. We recommend creating list views for time-dependent groupings, categorical groupings, or both.

Time-Dependent Groupings

We recommend a list view for time-dependent groupings of an object staff find helpful to exclusively view. Time-dependent groupings can include:

  • Three list views based off a date(s) field, evaluating past, current, and future records.
  • A list view for each result of a formula field that evaluates based off a date field.

For example, three Membership list views can filter on each value of Status to display past, current, and future memberships.

Categorical Groupings

We also recommend a list view for categorical groupings of an object staff find helpful to exclusively view. Categorical groupings can include:

  • A list view for each record type of an object
  • A list view for each value of a picklist field
  • Two list views, one for each value of a checkbox field
  • A list view for a numerical field value equal to zero, and another list view when the numerical field value is greater than zero.

For example, four Batch list views can filter on each value of Batch Statusto display Open, Pending, Posted, and Exported batches.

Combined Groupings

Lastly, you can have a list view that combines one or more categorical groupings with a time-dependent grouping. Since this can significantly increase the number of list views, only make combinations that staff find helpful.

For example:

  • An Event list view can filter on both categorical and time-dependent groupings, such as Type and Start Date, to show future webinars.
  • An Event list view can filter on two categorical groupings, such as Type and Status, to show pending webinars.


List view names do not include the object name because it is displayed directly above the list view name.

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The format for naming a list view depends on whether it has filters or not. 

Unfiltered List Views

For a list view with no filters, the name and API name is All.

For example, for the Order list view with no filters: 

  • Name: All
  • API Name: All

Filtered List Views

For a list view with filters, enter a name in title case and an API name in Pascal case with the format:

[time-dependent grouping, if any, otherwise "All"] [categorical grouping(s), if any]: [optional descriptor]

The meaning of "All" is clear when there are time-dependent list views such as "Past" and "Future" that don't include the word "All." So if your object doesn't have time-dependent groupings, you can omit the word "All". Otherwise, every single list view will include "All," making it redundant and possibly confusing.

Learn more about title case and Pascal case in Component Design Guidelines.

Time-Dependent Grouping

The time-dependent grouping is one of the following names:

Time Dependent GroupingDescription
Pastrecords that are no longer current
Currentrecords occurring now
Futurerecords that are not yet current

Avoid unclear time-dependent names such as Upcoming. Instead, specify an additional descriptor. For example: Future Webinars: Next Month

Categorical Grouping(s)

A categorical grouping is generally named after the record type, picklist value, or checkbox field that the list view filters on.

In some cases, a different term can be used to represent the filter criteria. For example, orders where the balance is greater than zero are generally referred to as invoices.

Some categorical groupings should be named in the plural form. For example, when referring to an event with a Type of Conference, it is generally referred to as a conference, not as a conference event. Therefore, a list view displaying all events with a type of Conference should be named All Conferences.

Other categorical groupings should be named in the singular form. For example, when referring to a product with the membership record type, it is generally referred to as a membership product, not as a membership. Therefore, a list view displaying all product with the membership record type should be named All Membership.


Possible list views for Events, which has categorical groupings of "Conference" and "Completed" include: 

  • All
  • All Conferences
  • Completed
  • Completed Conferences
  • Future
  • Future Conferences

Number of Fields

We recommend including no more than 10 fields in a list view to maintain readability and to maximize consistency with other layouts.

Field Sequence

Learn more about the recommended sequence of fields in Layout Design Guidelines

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