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LWC - Payment Confirmation

Payment Confirmation

The Payment Confirmation LWC is designed to display all of the products that the member has purchased and a display a confirmation message that their payment has been approved. The LWC contains setting options that you can configure for an 'Order' and 'Digital Downloads' page. 

Configuration Options

Learn more about Experience Builder here.

From the components list, select the Payment Confirmation component and drag it onto the site page. 

On the page, click within the Payment Confirmation component to bring up the Property editor.

Figure 1. Payment Confirmation LWC with configuration settings

OrderThis setting needs to be configured to display the details of the order. Use {recordId} for the current record, {url.<param>} (e.g. {}) for a URL parameter, or a Salesforce record ID.
Digital DownloadsThis allows you to enter the API name of the Downloads page that the members/constituent can visit to start the download process of the digital products that they purchased.



Figure 2. Payment Confirmation page when other product(s) is purchased in Experience Cloud Community Hub


Figure 3. Payment Confirmation page when digital product (downloadable product) is purchased in Experience Cloud Community Hub

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