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Call the Integration API

Developers call the Nimble Fuse API using either the Salesforce or Community Hub URL. The same URL is used for inbound and outbound integration settings.


To access the Nimble Fuse API, we recommend authenticating with Salesforce. An additional user can be created for this.


We suggest using OAuth 2.0 Single Sign-On (external) to authenticate with Salesforce. 

Find the Salesforce URL

To access the Nimble Fuse API through Salesforce, the Salesforce URL is used. 

  1. From your browser, copy the instance of yourSalesforce org. To learn how to find the instance, see How to tell what instance of Salesforce my Organization is using (external).

  2. Note your Salesforce URL:

Authenticated Testing

When using an authenticated user,  test the integration setting using the REST Explorer in Workbench (external). 

  1. Navigate to Workbench (external).
  2. Log into Workbench and allow access to your organization. Workbench is a public site and won’t retain your data.
  3. Click Utilities.
  4. Click REST Explorer.
  5. Set the HTTP method to POST.
  6. In URL, enter /services/apexrest/NUINT/NUIntegrationService

    Your full Salesforce URL is not needed because you are authenticated when logged in to Workbench.

  7. In Request Body, enter the JSON payload. 
  8. Click Execute.

Non Authenticated

Executing an integration setting through Community Hub should only be done if the Nimble Fuse API needs to be publicly accessible.

Find the Community Hub URL

To access the Nimble Fuse API through Community Hub, the Community Hub URL is used. 

  1. From Setup, enter All Communities in the Quick Find box, then select All Communities.
  2. Copy the path from the Community Hub URL.
  3. To create your Nimble Fuse APIURL, append /services/apexrest/NUINT/NUIntegrationService  to your Community Hub URL:
    For example:  https:://

Non Authenticated Testing

When using the Nimble Fuse API without an authenticateduser, you can test using a REST client application. We recommend using Postman (external). 

In your REST client application:

Execute an Inbound Integration

A JSON request is used to call an inbound integration setting through the Nimble Fuse API.

Create an Inbound JSON Request 

The JSON request contains at least three key value pairs:

NameThe name of the integration setting to execute.
Authentication KeyMust match the Authentication Keyof theintegration setting.
Inbound Records

Contains a collection of key-value pairs for each record to be created or edited. A key-value pair must exist for each each integration inbound setting tied to the integration setting.

Interpret an Inbound JSON Response

The JSON response consists of four properties:

RecordsNot used for inbound integrations.
RecordCountThe number of records impacted by the inbound integration call.
MessageNot used for Inbound integrations.

Returns a copy of the data passed to the integration with a reference to the record's Salesforce Id. Results also supply ErrorMessages for each record.

Execute an Outbound Integration

A JSON request is used to call an outbound integration setting through the Nimble Fuse API.

Create an Outbound JSON Request




The name of the integration setting to execute.

Authentication Key

Must match the Authentication Key of the integration setting.


If theintegration setting is using parameters within the Query, create a nested key-value pair for each parameter to pass into the integration setting. The Key is the parameter name, and the Value is the parameter value.

Interpret an Outbound JSON Response

The JSON response consists of four properties:


Contains a JSON response for each record queried. Fields on the record are returned only if they have a value. If the field has no value, it is not returned.

RecordCountThe number of records returned.

If JSON Request is successful, this is blank.

If JSON Request is unsuccessful, an error message is returned.

InboundResultsNot used for outbound integrations.
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