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Add Bill Me Payment URL to the Order Summary Page

If your association uses bill me to let constituents check out without paying right away and express payments, you can can streamline the billing process by giving constituents a payment URL they can easily share with a trusted individual in their company who can pay the invoice. By adding the Payment URL field to the Order Summary page and the order summary email, trusted individuals can pay the invoice on the Express Payment page without even having to log in.

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Nimble AMS, Staff View, Recipe, Bill Me Payment URL On The Order Summary

Recipe Prep

Keep these things in mind:

  • You are using Community Hub in your org
  • You are using Bill Me in your org.
  • You are using express payment in your org.

To make this recipe, you should understand:

This recipe will be even better if you understand:

  • Salesforce email templates
  • The Nimble Templating Framework


You will mix these ingredients together to make this recipe:

Suggested NameTypeDescription


This SOQL query is used to check whether the placed order has an outstanding balance, which would be the case if constituents check out using Bill Me. This will be used with the data source to control whether the card displays on the Order Summary page.

OrderHasBalanceData Source

This data source uses the SOQL query to control the visibility of the card.


This card displays depending on whether the order has an outstanding balance, and displays the Payment URL field with some instructional text letting constituents know how to use express payment.


You can follow these directions to make this recipe in your org:

  1. Create a Query
    1. In Label, enter OrderHasBalance.
    2. In SELECT, enter NU__PaymentUrl__c.
    3. In SObject, enter NU__Order__c.
    4. In WHERE, enter:

      Id = {!oid} AND NU__PaymentUrl__c != 'Balance is paid.'
  2. Create a Data Source
    1. In Name, enter OrderHasBalance.
    2. In Class, enter SOQLDataSource.
    3. In Context, enter OrderHasBalance.
  3. Create a Card
    1. In Type, select Plain Text.
    2. In Name, enter BillMePaymentURL.
    3.  in CSS Class, enter m-card-as-alert alert-info.
    4. In Heading Label, create a new custom label, something like: Pay The Invoice.
    5. In Description Label, create a new custom label, something like: Share this URL with anyone to pay the order balance, without even logging in: {!NU__Order__c.nu__PaymentUrl__c}.
    6. In Object, select NU__Order__c.
    7. In Data Source, select OrderHasBalance.
    8. In Card Layout, select Display HTML.
  4. Update your order summary email to display the Payment URL field along with sharing instructions.

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