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Advanced Taxation

What is Advanced Taxation?

Nimble AMS provides the Advanced Taxation feature which aims to support various domestic tax levels (i.e., state, district, county, and local) as well as international tax levels (i.e., Canadian taxation, VAT, GST, PST, etc.).

In order to stay in compliance, the Advanced Taxation feature will use order details from Nimble AMS and an external tax system to calculate the accurate tax based on all guidelines for the US and other countries. In addition, less manual intervention will be required to maintain taxes for every permutation and combination of tax, which will take into account product types, tax types and jurisdictions. Processes will be streamlined to a large extent because any update will automatically recalculate the taxes.

The error-free taxation reports will ensure that checks by state and federal officials go smoothly. Also, the accounting staff's work will be more structured and efficient.


Automated processing of complex tax calculations: Saves time, saves effort  

Nimble AMS Advanced Taxation integrates smoothly with third-party taxation services specially developed to deal with a variety of tax scenarios. Because the integration takes over many tasks that the accounting staff would normally have to manage, it saves the association staff time and effort that can be directed elsewhere to serve members. 


Hierarchical Jurisdiction and I8N taxation: Local, National, International 

Advanced Taxation considers each state has different laws and procedures regarding taxes. With support for more than 12,000 jurisdictions in the US and internationally, Nimble AMS is better able to keep track of taxes and stay compliant with local, national, and international tax law, including Internet Sales Tax legislation. Advanced Taxation is the perfect complement for the tax needs of any association. 


Taxation of shipping charges and any product type 

To avoid costly mistakes that may be made from manual processing, Advanced Taxation allows all tax rates to be updated at all jurisdiction levels automatically across any product type, calculating shipping tax, as well as sales tax, in real-time. This brings the latest tax information to the fingertips of association administrators. 


When placing an order in Nimble AMS with external sales tax functionality being used, Nimble AMS will send order-related information to Avalara. Avalara then calculates the tax based on the Product type, ship to address and ship from address fields. Avalara calculates the final sales tax on the order. That tax information is then sent back to the Order Processor in Nimble AMS at which point the Order can be completed.

Advanced Taxation | Taxable Coupons

When using External Sales Tax and coupons together, if the user wants the coupon amount to be considered for tax calculation, then the coupon product should be marked Is Taxable.

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