Bill Me Address Card Type
The Bill Me Address card type has two behaviors depending on whether the required fields in the Bill Me Address field set on the Account object are filled in or not.
If the fields on the field set are not filled in, the card shows a warning that the fields must be filled out to use Bill Me, and provides a link to the My Profile Page where users can update their information. When users submit their information, they are taken to the Checkout page.
If the fields on the field set are filled in, the card shows the fields in the Bill Me Address field set and a message letting users know that they are using Bill Me, and provides a link to the My Profile Page where users can update their information. When users submit their information, they are taken to the Checkout page.
Card Type Information
BillMeAddress | |
PlainTextCardComponentFactory | |
Controller Name | BillMeAddressComponentController |
Bill Me Address |