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Company Affiliations Card Type

The Company Affiliations card type displays different information depending on whether constituents have any affiliations.

If individual constituents are not affiliated with a company, the card type displays nothing.

We recommend that you add a button to the card type, like the My Affiliations Button which constituents can click to browse to the Add My Company Page and affiliate themselves to a company. That way, no one is looking at a blank card with no way to interact with it.

When constituents are affiliated to one or more companies, their primary affiliation is listed first in the Primary Affiliation section, followed by their secondary affiliations in alphabetical order in the Other Affiliations section.

You can also add some buttons, like the Company Profile Button, that are shown with each applicable affiliation to provide constituents a way to do more with each.

Card Type Information

Card Component Constructor
Controller Name
Company Affiliations
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