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Enable Auto-Renewal of Company Memberships

Auto-Renewal for company memberships feature will provide Associations an increased likelihood of recurring company memberships, by eliminating the need for members to renew memberships every time it expires. It will reduce workload and streamline the renew process for Associations and members, both. This feature has become especially useful recently, as many associations are investigating or implementing monthly membership models.

The Administrator can enable the staff user to make any membership product as eligible for recurring membership. The members will then get 'Auto-renew' populated while purchasing the membership. The company manager has the option auto-renew, not to renew, or set the renew frequency.

What's New?

  • On Staff View, recurring eligible check boxes and recurring frequency are added on product detail page for membership product.
  • While recurring, only the stored payment method of the individual is listed as the payment method.


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