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One-Click Checkout in the new Member Portal

Introducing the One-Click Checkout feature that prioritizes your members' shopping convenience and efficiency! With the ability to skip checkout for eligible purchases, Member Portal streamlines the process by eliminating unnecessary steps when buying free products, complimentary educational courses or Event registrations, and even Memberships that may be free. Say goodbye to the hassle of an additional step during the purchase process and enjoy a frictionless shopping experience.

The checkout step is now eliminated when a member/constituent attempts to purchase zero-dollar products. For a guest user, products that are shipped, or are eligible for recurring, the checkout step will continue to appear ensuring your staff has all the necessary information to fulfill the order successfully.

Your staff has full control over configuration and deciding the specific products that are eligible for skipping the checkout process, ensuring that only appropriate products can be processed in this way. This helps safeguard against errors and ensures that the necessary information is still collected for products as per the business process of your association.

Upgrade your members' online shopping experience today with our effortless checkout process!


Figure 1. One-Click Checkout


  1. Improved Efficiency and Time-saving Process: Members can easily order zero-dollar products without going through the typical checkout steps, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free shopping experience. They have access to their complimentary purchases quickly.

  2. Improved Customer Satisfaction: Members will appreciate the convenience of being able to quickly get confirmation of their order without going through the traditional checkout process for zero-dollar products.

  3. Configurability option: Association staff has control over deciding which products are eligible for skipping the checkout, ensuring that only appropriate products can be processed in this way.

Get Started Today

Request to be enrolled in a pilot through the "Enroll in a Pilot" section on our NimbleLand Pilots page. Select the Experience Cloud Member Portal option from the Features drop-down.

One-Click Checkout Process

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