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One-Click Checkout Process

One-Click Checkout simplifies the purchasing process for members within Experience Cloud Community Hub by offering a streamlined approach to purchases involving free products or services. Association Staff have control over the configuration and can decide the specific products that are eligible.

Eligibility Criteria for One-Click Checkout

  • The ‘Skip Checkout for Zero Dollars’ option must be enabled on the product.

  • The product must be priced at $0.

  • The product is not set up for recurring.

  • The product is not shippable.

  • The Order Total must be $0.

  • Guest Users are ineligible for this functionality to allow for collecting the email address and name for the order.

One-Click Checkout process

When a Member or Constituent attempts to purchase one or more products that pass the eligibility criteria for skipping the traditional checkout process, the order will be created within Nimble AMS, and the Member will be brought directly to the order confirmation screen.

All products in the Member's cart must meet eligibility criteria to bypass checkout. This is also applicable for a membership join/renew process as well as an event’s registration process.

one click checkout.gif

Figure 1 - One-Click Checkout process

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