When users register for an event using a passcode, the passcode is added to the Passcode field on the Registration record. You can also set passcodes for specific registration types, rather than setting them for individual events.
Set a Passcode for a Registration Type
Passcodes allow staff to require users to enter a specific code to choose a registration type. Staff can set multiple passcodes that must be entered when users attempt to register for an event. A passcode can be used for one or more registration types, and more than one passcode can be used for a single registration type - however, the option to use a passcode will only appear so long as the registration type has an applicable passcode.
Passcodes are case insensitive.
On an Event, in the Passcodes related list, click New.
In the Passcode Name text box, enter the name you'd like to use for the passcode.
In the Code text box, enter the code you'd like a user to enter when they register for the event using a specific registration type.
In the Registration Types Multi-Select Picklist, select the registration type(s) you'd like to use this passcode .
Press CTRL/CMND to select multiple options.
Click Save.
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