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Refund a Prepayment

When a prepayment is entered by staff, it creates a payment record. You cannot edit the prepayment once entered; instead you enter a refund to reduce the payment.

  1. In the tab bar, click 
    App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click 
    Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
  2. Click Prepayment.
  3. Select Refund.
  4. In Payer, enter the name of the constituent  that has provided a prepayment, click 
    Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, Lookup, and select the account from the lookup results.  
  5. In Available Payments For Refund, select the prepayment to refund. 
  6. In Batch, select your batch. Automatic is the default, or you can select from the open manual batches. 
  7. If you select Automatic in Batch, you can leave the default date for the payment in Payment Date, or enter a different date. If you select a manual batch, Payment Date is read only and displays the same date as the batch. 
  8. In Refund Amount, enter a refund amount. The Refund Amount must be greater than zero and cannot be greater than the remaining available prepayment balance. 

  9. Click Submit.
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